Fajardo Puerto Rico Restaurants
If you're coming to Puerto Rico and looking for a good place to eat, we're got some suggestions for you. Whether you're looking for traditional Puerto Rican food or something else, we can help you get an idea of what's available so you can make a good decision!
Before you come to Fajardo Puerto Rico, you must learn the difference between Empanadas vs Pastelillos! They're filled with Puerto Rican spices. |
Fajardo Restaurants
Costa Mia - Located right on Seven Seas beach, Costa Mia has great food and unbeatable atmosphere. Puerto Rican food. $8-$15
El Racar - TripAdvisor - Local spot right on the water. Near the bio bay. Authentic Puerto Rican food. $10-$15
Golden Sweet Bakery - TripAdvisor - As the name suggests, this is a bakery (muffins, bread, etc) They also serve a great breakfast and lunch menu. $8-$12
Las Vistas Cafe - TripAdvisor - If you read the reviews, you'll notice that Gladys takes care of her guests. Great food and you'll feel like home here. $10-$15
La Estacion - TripAdvisor - La Estacion used to be an old gas station and it may not look like much but this places has great food. $10-$15
Mi Casita - They don't advertise a ton. They're only open until 6pm. But the food is delicious. Home cooked, traditional Puerto Rican food. $8-$12
Pinchos - PInchos are basically pieces of marinated meat on a stick served with rice and a piece of bread. Simple and delicious. Try the ones by the bio bay. $6
In our opinion, these are the best spots. Fajardo restaurants are diverse and there are a bunch of them. We're always listing new ones and if you find a good one let us know! We suggest you work up an appetite with some fun activities and then try out one of these restaurants.
El Racar - TripAdvisor - Local spot right on the water. Near the bio bay. Authentic Puerto Rican food. $10-$15
Golden Sweet Bakery - TripAdvisor - As the name suggests, this is a bakery (muffins, bread, etc) They also serve a great breakfast and lunch menu. $8-$12
Las Vistas Cafe - TripAdvisor - If you read the reviews, you'll notice that Gladys takes care of her guests. Great food and you'll feel like home here. $10-$15
La Estacion - TripAdvisor - La Estacion used to be an old gas station and it may not look like much but this places has great food. $10-$15
Mi Casita - They don't advertise a ton. They're only open until 6pm. But the food is delicious. Home cooked, traditional Puerto Rican food. $8-$12
Pinchos - PInchos are basically pieces of marinated meat on a stick served with rice and a piece of bread. Simple and delicious. Try the ones by the bio bay. $6
In our opinion, these are the best spots. Fajardo restaurants are diverse and there are a bunch of them. We're always listing new ones and if you find a good one let us know! We suggest you work up an appetite with some fun activities and then try out one of these restaurants.